Every year, the dojo produces a limited edition tshirt design for the Tameshiwari Tournament. In 2024, for the first time, the t-shirt is also sponsored by the NYC Karatedō International Championship.
It's here!
The official design for the 2024 NYC Karatedō International Championship Tameshiwari Tournament T-shirt has been released. This is the first year that the t-shirt design is co-sponsored by both Goju Karate and the NYC Karatedō International Championship.

Every year, the dojo designs and produces a limited edition t-shirt that is awarded to all Tameshiwari Tournament competitors. The design is never re-printed, and never re-used, and is only available to competitors.
Tournament t-shirts are never offered for sale.
READ MORE: The 2024 Tameshiwari Tournament

The shirt has gone into production, and all competitors in the 2024 edition of the Tameshiwari Tournament will receive their t-shirt on the day of the event, November 2nd, 2024.
And for those who didn't compete this year, one copy of the t-shirt will be on display – be sure to check it out later in November, where it'll be displayed right next to designs from previous years!