The new GOJUKARATE.COM unveils a range of new features including real-time schedules, video, book excerpts, and much more.

It's finally here.

After more than half a year of work, our dojo is proud to unveil the new GOJUKARATE.COM website.

Our major goals were to address the needs of two important communities that we serve:

  • For Goju Students, to provide up-to-the-minute schedule and calendar information; and to deliver videos and book excerpts to support training in karatedō, whether at the NYC dojo or via livecast from Honbu or the NYC dojo.
  • For karateka in the greater global community, to provide insight into all aspects of karatedō, and support their karate journey, no matter where in the world it might be. We'll do that through a growing library of content available to everyone.

The development of the new website focused on creating an underlying infrastructure that will help us deliver videos of seminars, audio instruction, and a vast range of written material – all easily searchable and presented to work well on all sizes of screens and types of devices.

In addition, to help keep everyone up-to-date, you'll receive automatic emails with new postings and announcements of new content. (Of course, you can always opt-out or unsubscribe at any time – every email has a convenient unsubscribe link, and you can use your dashboard on GOJUKARATE.COM to customize what emails you'll receive).

We're excited to make this announcement, but much more excited to continue improving GOJUKARATE.COM in the coming weeks and months!

Note: If you've received this announcement in your email, you already have a free account on GOJUKARATE.COM – simply login with your email address, no password needed!