The 2024 NYC Karatedō International Championship Tameshiwari (Breaking) Tournament

The 2024 NYC Karatedō International Championship Tameshiwari Tournament is on Saturday, November 2, 2024, at Goju Karate.

One of the few traditional tameshiwari tournaments held every year, the 2024 edition of the NYC Karatedō International Championship Tameshiwari Tournament will be held on Saturday, November 2, 2024 at the Goju Karate dojo.


This is the first year that the tournament is co-sponsored by the NYC Karatedō International Championship – but it's certainly not the first time that this tameshiwari tournament has been held.

The tournament was first started to celebrate the annual anniversaries of the founding of Goju Karate. As such, this is the (lucky!) Thirteenth Anniversary of the founding.

(For more on the history of the well-known seminar that precedes it every year, please read more here.)

The NYC Karatedō International Championship Tameshiwari Tournament Cup

Goju Karate was founded in November 2011, and there's no better way to celebrate this anniversary than watching karateka powerfully destroy whole forests of boards!

The 2024 Edition

This year, the tournament expands to become the official NYC Karatedō International Championship in Tameshiwari, and Goju Karate will host the event on Saturday, November 2nd, 2024. The tournament begins at Noon – right after the conclusion of the Tameshiwari Seminar being held that same day.

Tameshiwari (Breaking) Tournament Rules
These are the official, generally accepted rules for Tameshiwari (Breaking) Tournaments conducted since 2014.

READ MORE: The Official Tournament Rules and Scoring

This year, the tournament includes the usual Adult Division (with both a Men's and Women's Division), a Teens Division (with both a Boy's and Girl's Division), and a special Challenge Division.

Both the Adults and Teens Divisions will feature the usual traditional three rounds: a seiken/no-spacer break, a traditional breaking round with spacers, and the creative breaking round in which competitors will attempt a range of very challenging breaks.

Both divisions will, as usual, have separate categories for both male and female competitors: based on early registrations, there will be plenty of karateka in both groups.

Guests and spectators are welcome to attend and cheer for their friends, family members, and all the amazing competitors that will be working hard that day. (Guest tickets for guests age 5 or older are available for purchase online and at the Goju Karate front desk – all proceeds from ticket sales go to support the financial aid programs of Goju Karate.)

Competitors receive a limited-edition Tournament t-shirt as part of entry: these t-shirts are never available for sale to non-competitors, and are different each year (this year's design has been announced – see it and read more about it here).

Tournament tshirts from past years.

New Division Added

And in 2024, a new Division makes its debut: The Challenge Division.

It has often been said that there are "many paths up the mountain" in karatedō and in life (in fact, you can read more about this concept in karatedō here).

Not only are there many paths in karatedō, some of the paths are a lot harder than others. Yet, they are no less a path in karatedō than any other – all paths lead to the basic goals of self-improvement and great achievement that mark the training and practice of karatedō.

We recognize that the strong spirit of all karateka isn't easily demonstrated by just the usual events of a traditional tameshiwari tournament. Therefore, 2024 debuts the Challenge Division for karateka who will demonstrate their good kihon waza (basic technique) and strong spirit by performing a single-board break under the new 2024 Tameshiwari Tournament Rules.

The Challenge Division isn't a demonstration event: it is a competition and not everyone in the division is guaranteed success. To win, they'll need to demonstrate that strong spirit and good technique that is the essence of tameshiwari.

The 2024 NYC Karatedō International Championship will be the first tameshiwari tournament to feature the Challenge Division operating under the latest tournament rules, and we're excited to see those competitors excel and succeed!


Tournament registration is open to any adult (17 years of age or older) or teen (age 11 or older) karateka of any rank. Tickets, tournament entry fees, and of course boards and spacers my be purchased at the Goju Karate Front Desk at the NYC Dojo, but registration for all events, guest tickets, and board and spacer supplies are also available online.

Store | Goju Karate
Goju Karate NYC Official Merchandise Store

Register Online and Reserve Boards and Spacers

Registration is, as always, limited: board orders have already been placed, and when the supply of boards is exhausted, we can no longer accept new competitor registration. Please register soon!

Scenes from Previous Years

The NYC Karatedō International Championship Cup

This year, the winner of the Adult Men's and Women's Division will also have their name and achievement recorded on the NYC Karatedō Tameshiwari Championship Cup.

Previous year's winners in 2022 are already on the cup – this is your chance to join them!

Please join us, the entire Goju Karate dojo, and all the competitors in the 2024 NYC Karatedō International Championship Tameshiwari Tournament on November 2, 2024. Register here.