The annual Tameshiwari Seminar returns on Saturday, November 12, 2022.
The annual Tamewshiwari Seminar will be held on Saturday, November 12, 2022. This unique seminar is one of only a handful of opportunities that karateka have to learn about the history, strategies, and hands-on techniques for tameshiwari – the art of "test breaking"
The Tameshiwari Seminar has been an annual tradition at Goju Karate since 2019, and grew out of an informal seminar that started back in the Autumn of 2014, right before the Third Anniversary Tournament, which included tameshiwari events.
This year, the Tamewhiwari Seminar will begin at Noon, and feature a lecture by Sensei about the history of breaking, why we do tameshiwari (test breaking), and a thorough discussion of the mechanics of how breaking works, and insights into winning strategies to break successfully.

Alongside plenty of theory and history, boards will be broken! Many karateka will be making their first breaks ever – an incredibly empowering event.
Guests are welcome at the Seminar (and afterwards, for the Tournament) and there promises to be plenty of opportunity to watch a variety of different types of breaks and see the theory of tameshiwari put into action.
Registration for the Seminar can only be done at the Front Desk at the NYC Dojo – please register quickly because not only are seats limited, so are boards and spacers.
Schedule Note: The regular class schedule at the NYC Dojo will be suspended on Saturday, November 12th. The NYC Dojo will open at 11:30AM on that day for Seminar participants, guests, and of course, the Tournament that begins later that day at 1:30PM.