Special Event: Saturday 12:30PM ADULT Class Canceled This Saturday, October 28th ONLY: the 12:30PM Adults Special Subject Class is canceled due to ongoing critical construction. The class will return next Saturday.
Gi Patches Now Available Again Need uniform chest or shoulder patches for your gi? Official Goju Karate uniform patches are now back in stock.
Halloween at the Dojo 2023 Kids train in costume on October 30th, the day before Halloween. All kids divisions will feature special activities and treat bags, plus surprises!
October 2023 Rank Testing Rescheduled The October 2023 Rank Testing will be rescheduled to Saturday, November 11th, 2023 to allow enough training time for students seeking to test. All Kyu ranks (both adults and kids) will be testing.
The Dojo's New Home The NYC Dojo has moved! Just three blocks from our old location, our new dojo now occupies two floors at 767 Lexington Avenue at the corner of 60th Street and Lexington Ave.