Kiri de uteki — Raindrops in Fog 霧で雨滴 We live in a world dense with the fog of information: our goal should be to pick out the raindrops of knowledge hidden in that fog.
Ikann — Consistency 一貫 Ikann is consistency: the practice of continuing to work on goals until they are achieved. Without ikann, very little is achieved.
Nen — Mindfulness 念 Nen is the fundamental power of the "now mind" sharpening focus and increasing mindfulness.
Mokuteki — Goals 目的 Goals are the lighthouses of our ambition, guiding our daily actions so that we move towards achieving our ultimate life purposes.
Zen wa Isoge — Rushing is Good 善は急げ Time is the most precious thing we have and Zen wa Isoge reminds us that rushing to accomplish our goals and pursue our purpose is vitally important to a satisfying life.