Mushin — The Empty Mind 無心 Mushin is the state of mind in which one is equally prepared for all possibilities and equally free from all preconceptions. Mushin is a mental state of constant readiness, and also a mental state of effortless thought.
San man nichi — Thirty Thousand Days 三万日 [Edition 2025] The treasure of our life is the days we have to live it. On average, that's about thirty thousand days in total, and how we spend those days determines not only our success, but also our satisfaction and happiness.
Yama no chōjō ni wa ōku pasu — Many Paths Up the Mountain 山の頂上には多くパス [2025 Edition] There are many paths to achieving our goals; but we must decide on the path to walk, and as we go about climbing ever upwards, we have to be careful that the paths we follow are indeed our paths, and not someone else's path.
Jo Ha Kyū — Begin, Break, Fast 序破急 There is a very basic, and universal, rhythm that governs strong technique and powerful forward development in all parts of our lives.
Kara No Utsuwa Ni Sosoge Yo — Pour into the Empty Cup 空の器に注げよ In order to learn, we first have to put aside some of our preconceptions. By opening our minds to the possibilities of new ideas, we expand our perspective and our knowledge.