NYC Dojo Enhanced Saturday Schedule Resumes

The Regular Saturday Class Schedule for all kids divisions and the Adult Division has resumed. In addition, a permanent sequence of special subject classes joins the schedule for Adults, and Teens gain two new opportunities to train on Saturdays as well.

It’s not quite Autumn; the weather is still a little too warm and sticky; and the leaves haven't really started turning yet.  But we have good news anyway:  formal Saturday classes resumed at the NYC Dojo this past weekend, on September 9th, 2023.

This year, we’ve incorporated feedback both from past years as well as the Saturday Special Events of Blackbelt Week in 2022 to reconfigure the Saturday morning schedule.

Beginning Saturdays this Fall, the dojo will open at 10:00AM for all classes.

Kids Classes

All kids classes will begin at the same Saturday time as previously (10:30AM) and then split into three sub-classes led by blackbelts and senior students — one each for Juniors, Youth, and Teens.

Our Saturday kids class will be a full hour, but for younger children, we’ll tune the length of the class based on appropriateness. However, we hope to have all kids train for the full hour.

Special Opportunities for Teens

For Teens, there are two additional opportunities to train on Saturdays. Subject to approval from Sensei (generally granted to any Teen at 8th Kyu or above, and depending on age), Teens can take the 11:30AM Adult General Class.

This is a great opportunity for Teens who are beginning to move towards the Adult Division and who want to begin preparing for this significant transition.

In addition, any Teen can take the Self-Defense section of the 12:30PM Special Subject Class. Note this only applies to the Self-Defense section. However, as above in regards to the Adult General Class, Teens can also seek premission to attend some of the other special subject classes.

Adult Classes

On Saturdays, Adult General class begins at 11:30AM (for the standard one hour).

And returning at 12:30PM is a rotating set of classes that will change each week. These classes will give Adult students the opportunity to take classes that were scheduled during weekdays, and (new for 2023!) also allows the dojo to offer some special classes that just can't be held during the week due to a lack of available time slots.

The 12:30PM class will rotate among: Kata; Endurance; Kumite; and Meditation/Shodo. In addition, Techniques Class (a deep dive into one specific technique, such as a stance or ippon kumite, etc.); Weapons Class; Senior Kyu General Class (4th Kyu+); and Self-Defense Class will also be in the rotation – these are classes that we don't (yet) have scheduled time for during the weekdays.

As usual, you can check Today@GOJU for up-to-date information including which special subject class is availabe in the Saturday 12:30PM slot.

Livecast Classes

Both the Adult General Class at 11:30AM and the rotating Special Subject Class at 12:30PM will be livecast.

Please note that because the combined Kids Classes at 10:30AM end right at 11:30AM, the Livecast begins right around 11:30AM (in other words, invitations to join will transmit around the same time as the beginning of class, unlike during the week when invitations begin transmitting around ten minutes before the actual start of class).