Pinan Three: Step-by-Step Enbusen

A step-by-step written guide to the enbusen of Pinan Three is now available to Goju Karate students.

As the dojo has previously announced, one of our goals for 2024 is to produce a comprehensive reference library for all the kyu level (color-belt) kata and some of the dan level (blackbelt) kata.

So, we're excited to debut a written commentary for Pinan Three (sometimes known as Heian Kata #3), available right now in the Kata Section.

A Written Step-By-Step Guide

The Pinan Three reference offers a written step-by-step and enbusen for the kata to help students learn the movements, techniques, and even some elements of the bunkai (the application of the steps to practical real-world scenarios) in the kata.

The dojo would love feedback on the quality and content of these materials to help us improve them. To offer feedback, please visit this page.