Ikann — Consistency 一貫 (edition 2025) Ikann is consistency: the practice of continuing to work on goals until they are achieved. Without ikann, very little is achieved. But with consistency, we multiple our efforts and rise to greater achievement.
Nen — Mindfulness 念 [edition 2025] Nen is the fundamental power of the "now mind" sharpening focus and increasing mindfulness.
2025 Dojo Calendar Announced The 2025 Dojo Events Calendar has been released -- learn how to add the calendar to your phone, tablet, or computer.
New Tuesday General Class Debuts The dojo is adding a new Tuesday evening General Class for Adults at 6PM each week.
Onkochishin — New Wisdom from Studying the Past 温故知新 Onkochishin 温故知新 offers a powerful framework for personal development as it reminds us to mine the past — both our own and that of history — for new wisdom and insights. It was chosen as the Kagami Biraki lecture for 2025.
Mokuteki — Goals 目的 [edition 2025] Goals are the lighthouses of our ambition, guiding our daily actions so that we move towards achieving our ultimate life purposes. Goals are the building blocks that we can use to build our purpose in life.
This Saturday: Kagami Biraki 2025 The traditional dojo-wide group workout will be held on Saturday, January 18, 2025. Join millions of other karateka throughout the world in celebrating our karatedō together.
Ikigai — Purpose for Living 生き甲斐 [edition 2025] To have a purpose for living is the true measure of a satisfied and rich life; rather than striving for happiness, strive for purpose. If any one concept is the secret to happiness and success, this is it.
Koenkai 2025 Meeting The Koenkai 2025 Meeting will be held immediately following Kagami Biraki on Saturday, January 18, 2025.
Cycle of Four 2025: The January Meditations Every year, the dojo presents a unique cycle of four meditation+shodo lectures during the first four weeks of January. They set the tone for the rest of the year, exploring purpose, goals, and the tools and tactics necessary to achieve those goals. This is the 2025 edition.
LAST CALL: Holiday Fund 2024 The 2024 Holiday Fund donation drive is now in its final phase – if you haven't already contributed, please give generously.
Happy 2025! Classes Resume Monday, January 6th As the New Year begins, classes resume on Monday, January 6th, 2025, with many exciting events and surprises planned for an amazing year to come.
Kagami Biraki 2025 The traditional dojo-wide group workout will be held on Saturday, January 18, 2025. Join millions of other karateka throughout the world in celebrating our karatedō together.
Christmas 2024 and New Year's Holiday Schedule The dojo is excited to celebrate the Christmas and New Year's Holidays as 2024 draws to a close and we prepare for an amazing 2025.
Dojo Holiday Party 2024 The 2024 edition of the annual Goju Karate Dojo Christmas Holiday Party will be held on Saturday, December 14th.
Holiday Fund 2024 The 2024 Holiday Fund donation drive has begun – please give generously. Your dojo is counting on you and your support.
December 2024 Rank Testing The December 2024 Rank Testing will be held on Saturday, December 14th. All Kyu ranks (adults and kids) will be testing. This will be the first Rank Testing at the dojo's brand-new facility and promises to be an exciting day of karatedō.
New Adult General Class to Debut in January: Tuesday 6PM A new Tuesday 6PM General Class debuts in January, led by a senior blackbelt, and focusing on Introduction to Kumite, Functional Flexibility, kata, and strength training.
Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule 2024 The dojo will be closed in celebration of the Thanksgiving Day holiday, starting on Friday, November 22nd to Saturday November 30th.
The 2024 NYC Karatedō International Championship Tameshiwari (Breaking) Tournament The 2024 NYC Karatedō International Championship Tameshiwari Tournament is on Saturday, November 2, 2024, at Goju Karate.
Tameshiwari (Breaking) Seminar 2024 The annual Tameshiwari Seminar returns on Saturday, November 2, 2024.
The Official 2024 Tameshiwari Tournament T-Shirt Every year, the dojo produces a limited edition tshirt design for the Tameshiwari Tournament. In 2024, for the first time, the t-shirt is also sponsored by the NYC Karatedō International Championship.
Tameshiwari (Breaking) Tournament Official Rules 2024 The rules for competing in Tameshiwari (breaking) have been maintained by Goju Karate for more than a decade and are used in competitions globally. This is the latest revision for 2024.
Halloween at the Dojo 2024 Kids train in costume on Wednesday, October 30th, the day before Halloween. All kids divisions will feature special activities and treat bags, plus surprises! Come support our kids programs and celebrate this Fall classic at the dojo.
October 2024 Rank Testing The October 2024 Rank Testing will be held on Saturday, October 19th. All Kyu ranks (adults and kids) will be testing.
Columbus Day Holiday 2024 The dojo will be closed on Monday, October 14, 2024 in celebration of the Columbus Day holiday.
Blackbelt Testing FOUR: Blackbelt Week Begins The dojo is open only to Blackbelts on Saturday, October 5th, 2024, in support of the last event of Blackbelt Selection. All other classes and events are canceled on this day.
Thursday 7:30AM Adult General Class Schedule The Thursday 7:30AM Adult General Class will not be held on the next two Thursdays. It will return on Thursday, October 17th.
Blackbelt Week 2024 Setup: Monday The Goju Karate dojo will be closed on Monday, September 30th, 2024 in order to prepare for the beginning of Blackbelt Week. No classes (including livecast classes) will be held that day.
Blackbelt Week Events 2024 Blackbelt Week 2024 starts October 5th, featuring the end of blackbelt selection, the annual blackbelt dinner, a range of special events, and classes every day of the week.
Fall Schedule Resumes The Summer schedule ends this month as the Saturday 12:30PM Special Subjects Class returns.
Mooncakes (Otsukimi お月見) at the Dojo 2024 The dojo celebrates Otsukimi (the Autumn Moon Festival and Moon Viewing) with mooncakes for students across all our classes on Wednesday, September 18th, 2024.
Nakitsura ni hachi — Bee Bites the Crying Face 泣面に蜂 We sometimes bring bad outcomes on ourselves in two ways. Sometimes we expect that one bad outcome follows another. Other times, by dwelling on an initial bad outcome, we lose focus and our strong spirit, and thereby increase the chances of more negative outcomes.
Blackbelt Selection Reviews September 2024 1st Kyu Advanced Brown Belts who are currently testing for Shodan ranking as part of Blackbelt Selection will have two special review classes in September to prepare for blackbelt selection and the Final Grading on October 5th.
Labor Day Holiday 2024 Goju Karate will be closed throughout the Labor Day weekend as the Summer comes to an end. Time to get ready for an exciting Autumn!
Kouun Ryusui — Floating Clouds, Flowing Water 行雲流水 We are surrounded by distraction and disharmony in different parts of our lives, but as karateka we train to maintain our balance. In addition, we train to sharpen the efficiency and grace of our actions and movement.
Mikka Bouzu — A Monk for Three Days 三日坊主 Pursuing the hard goals sharpens our focus and gives us a platform to grow our skills. Reaching for the difficult increases our own reach while strengthening our resolve.
Blackbelt Testing THREE: Kata The dojo is open only to Blackbelts on Saturday, August 24, 2024, in support of the third event of Blackbelt Selection. All other classes, except for Mentor Division classes, are canceled on this day.
Gasshuku 2024 Gasshuku is the dojo's traditional summer break and occurs in August of every year. Most dojo around the world take this short break to prepare for the busy Autumn schedule.
Wabisabi — The Beauty of Transience and Imperfection 侘び寂び Beauty is an important concept in karatedō that is often overlooked. Wabisabi helps to synthesize the key components of beauty.
August 2024 Rank Testing The August 2024 Rank Testing will be held on Saturday, August 10th. All Kyu ranks (adults only) will be testing.
Yugēn — A Profound, Mysterious Sense of Beauty 幽玄 As part of the concept of beauty, a profound sense of the mysterious and the deep emotional impact of beauty upon our mind and spirit is very important.
Sabi — The Beauty of Experience 寂 Sabi is the beauty inherent in the people, things, and places around you. This is a beauty of experience, based on the history and development of skills that is part of those people, things, and places.
Pinan Three: Step-by-Step Enbusen A step-by-step written guide to the enbusen of Pinan Three is now available to Goju Karate students.
Blackbelt Testing TWO: Kihon The dojo is open only to Blackbelts on Saturday, July 27, 2024, in support of the second event of Blackbelt Selection. All other classes are canceled on this day.
Giri — Duty and Obligation 義理 Giri 義理 is hierarchical duty and obligation in karatedō and in life. With it as part of your life, your days can be filled with a sense of purpose and your actions fueled with the energy that you are making a significant impact in the lives of those who matter all around you.
Shuhari — The Stages of Learning 守破離 Shuhari describes how we learn and the stages that we must pass through to gain skills and knowledge in every part of our life, including in our karatedō.
Jison (Jisonshin) — Self-Respect 自尊 (自尊心) Jison (sometimes written as Jisonshin) is self-respect. Self-respect is a key characteristic of the successful karateka and must be trained, nurtured, and protected.
Independence Day Holiday 2024 The dojo will be closed in celebration of the July 4th Independence Day holiday beginning on Tuesday, July 2, 2024. Classes will resume on Monday, July 8, 2024.
Kizuna — Community 絆 Kizuna represents the community that is our dojo, and the bonds that we form and nurture with our fellow karateka. But it also represents the greater communities we inhabit outside the dojo.
Celebrating Soke Meitatsu Yagi's 80th Birthday Soke Meitatsu Yagi, the son of Meitoku Yagi, will celebrate his 80th birthday on July 7, 2024. In recognition of his work and the Yagi family's connection to Goju Karate and Sensei, a special matched set of shodo has been created to celebrate that milestone.
LiveCast Karatedō Classes Goju Karate's LiveCast broadcast of karatedō classes enables classes from anywhere on the planet where there is an Internet connection.
Hana Yori Dango — Dumplings over Flowers 花より団子 Substance over style, necessities over luxuries. Karatedō teaches us to deeply consider true value and to prefer it to empty cosmetics and shallow things and people. A karateka is a man or woman of substance, as well as style — but substance first.
The Summer Dojo Summer 2024 has started. These are some handy notes on upcoming events, reminders, and class schedules during the Summer, and more.
Kanku Dai: Enbusen and Commentary A complete discussion of the enbusen for the blackbelt kata Kanku Dai is now available in the Goju Students section.
June 2024 Rank Testing The June 2024 Rank Testing will be held on Saturday, June 22nd. All Kyu ranks (both adults and kids) will be testing. This event will also include students from the Blackbelt Selection Group for 2024.
Pinan Two: Video + Step-by-Step A PREVIEW release of the Pinan Two Kata video series and written commentary and step-by-step is now available to Goju Students.
Memorial Day Holiday 2024 The dojo will be closed in celebration of the Memorial Day holiday beginning on Saturday, May 25th. Regularly-scheduled classes resume on Monday, June 3rd, 2024.
Blackbelt Selection 2024 Blackbelt Testing is an annual event that lasts several months and culminates in Blackbelt Week in the Fall. The key dates for Selection in 2024 have been announced.
Dojo Spring Break 2024 This year, the Dojo Spring Break runs from Wednesday, May 1st to Wednesday, May 8th, 2024.
The History of Karatedō Seminar: Class Schedule Changes Make plans to attend the second part of a ground-breaking seminar on the history and origins of karatedō.
April 2024 Rank Testing The April 2024 Rank Testing will be held on Saturday, April 20th. All Kyu ranks (both adults and kids) will be testing. This event will also include students from the Mentor Program, a major milestone for that class.
Kids Kumite Classes Kids Kumite Classes begin on April 29, 2024, during the Youth and Teens Division General Classes.
Junbi Undo: Functional Flexibility – Schedule Change The next two Tuesday 6PM classes of Junbi Undo: Functional Flexibility will not be held. The class returns on April 16th at its regular time.
The History of Karatedō: The Seminar PART TWO Make plans to attend the second part of a ground-breaking seminar on the history and origins of karatedō.
Advanced Brown Belt Review Class 2024 1st Kyu Advanced Brown Belts will have a review class available to prepare for blackbelt selection.
Fudoshin — The Ready Mind 不動心 Fudoshin is the ready mind that makes you mentally, physically, and emotionally immovable. With fudoshin, the karateka is implacable, unmoved by the forces around him.
October 2024 Rank Testing Rescheduled The October 2024 Rank Testing has been moved forward to Saturday, October 19th.
Karo Tosen — Summer Furnace, Winter Fan 夏炉冬扇 Doing the right things at the right time is one of the most important concepts necessary to understanding success.
Locker Room Cleanout As the dojo continues building out our new location at 767 Lexington Avenue, the Locker Rooms are being reorganized.
Junbi Undo: Functional Flexibility – New Tuesday Class A new Tuesday 6PM class debuts on February 27, 2024. The Junbi Undo: Functional Flexibility class will help students improve their flexibility and learn more about, and train, the components of flexibility.
Presidents Day Holiday Week 2024 Goju Karate will celebrate President's Day and the Dojo Winter Break beginning on Monday, February 19th. Classes Resume Monday, February 26th.
February 2024 Rank Testing The February 2024 Rank Testing will be held on Saturday, February 17th. All Kyu ranks (both adults and kids) will be testing. This is the first rank testing event of 2024; the next one will be in April.
Umi Sen Yama Sen — A Thousand Years in the Ocean, A Thousand Years in the Mountains 海千山千 We seek to become better, stronger, and wiser. However, this only comes with experience and hard work, and it takes a long time to acquire these skills and wisdom. Those who have invested this time and effort truly become formidable.
Ikann — Consistency 一貫 (edition 2024) Ikann is consistency: the practice of continuing to work on goals until they are achieved. Without ikann, very little is achieved. But with consistency, we multiple our efforts and rise to greater achievement.
Garden State Karate Championships The Garden State Karate Championships will be held on February 18th, 2024.
Nen — Mindfulness 念 [edition 2024] Nen is the fundamental power of the "now mind" sharpening focus and increasing mindfulness.
Yansu (Yantsu) Kata 安三: A History + More Yansu Kata is a tour-de-force in the study of balance. Yansu is an old and somewhat rare kata that has enjoyed a resurgence in interest.
Mokuteki — Goals 目的 [edition 2024] Goals are the lighthouses of our ambition, guiding our daily actions so that we move towards achieving our ultimate life purposes. Goals are the building blocks that we can use to build our purpose in life.
New Thursday Morning Class The dojo is adding a new Thursday morning class at 7:30AM each week. Now Goju karateka will have an option to train before work and the rest of the day begins.
Koi no takinobori — Carp Climbs the Waterfall 鯉の滝登り Growth is integral to success. Without growth, stagnation quickly sets in, and we slide backwards and regress. People, organizations, and even societies and cultures must continue growing, or risk losing their identity.
Ikigai — Purpose for Living 生き甲斐 [edition 2024] To have a purpose for living is the true measure of a satisfied and rich life; rather than striving for happiness, strive for purpose. If any one concept is the secret to happiness and success, this is it.
Cycle of Four 2024: The January Meditations Every year, the dojo presents a unique cycle of four meditation+shodo lectures during the first four weeks of January. They set the tone for the rest of the year, exploring purpose, goals, and the tools and tactics necessary to achieve those goals.
Kagami Biraki: Millions of Ki-Ah Kagami Biraki is the one event you don't want to miss. Get ready to steam-up the dojo, fog the windows, and raise the volume with your strong spirit.
2024 Dojo Calendar Announced The 2024 Dojo Events Calendar has been released -- and new in 2024, learn how to add the calendar to your iPhone, Android device, Mac, or Google Calendar.
LAST CALL: Holiday Fund 2023 The 2023 Holiday Fund donation drive is now in its final phase – please give generously.
Christmas 2023 and New Year's Holiday Schedule The dojo is excited to celebrate the Christmas and New Year's Holidays as 2023 draws to a close and we prepare for an amazing 2024.
Koenkai 2024 Meeting The Koenkai 2024 Meeting will be held immediately following Kagami Biraki on Saturday, January 13, 2024.
December 2023 Rank Testing The December 2023 Rank Testing will be held on Saturday, December 16th. All Kyu ranks (both adults and kids) will be testing. This is the last rank testing opportunity of 2023; the first rank testing event of 2024 will be in February 2024.
Kagami Biraki 2024 The traditional dojo-wide group workout will be held on Saturday, January 13, 2024
Dojo Holiday Party 2023 The 2023 edition of the annual Goju Karate Dojo Christmas Holiday Party will be held on Saturday, December 16th.
Anchūmosaku — Groping in the Dark 暗中模索 Reality is not a simple exercise in collecting all the information we need, and then making perfect decisions. Rather, we must refine our ability to make decisions based on incomplete information. As leaders, karateka are called upon to make those decisions, even when the path ahead isn't clear.
Tsuru no Hitokoe— The One Voice of the Crane 鶴の一声 We are inundated with the chatter of meaningless and unimportant voices in social media, email, chat messages, and more. As karateka, we must rise above this noise to discern the truly important voices around us.
Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule 2023 The dojo will be closed in celebration of the Thanksgiving Day holiday, starting on Monday, November 20th to Saturday November 25th.
San man nichi — Thirty Thousand Days 三万日 The treasure of our life is the days we have to live it. On average, that's about thirty thousand days in total, and how we spend those days determines not only our success, but also our satisfaction and happiness.
Tonbi ga taka o umu — A Kite Gives Birth to a Hawk 鳶 が 鷹を 産む If we can envision our destination, then we can map a path for getting there. So if we want to create a hawk, and we have a kite before us, a karateka simply needs a plan.
Special Event: Saturday 12:30PM ADULT Class Canceled This Saturday, October 28th ONLY: the 12:30PM Adults Special Subject Class is canceled due to ongoing critical construction. The class will return next Saturday.
Garyō Tensei — Paint the Dot of the Eye of the Dragon 画竜点睛 It is said that the "devil is in the details" — that may be so, but more importantly, it is the small final details that often make all the difference in delivering world-class performance.
Gi Patches Now Available Again Need uniform chest or shoulder patches for your gi? Official Goju Karate uniform patches are now back in stock.
Iru Fumei Teki — Hit the Hidden Target 射る不明的 It may sound counter-intuitive, but aiming for a hidden target or goal can bring us enormous benefits.
Halloween at the Dojo 2023 Kids train in costume on October 30th, the day before Halloween. All kids divisions will feature special activities and treat bags, plus surprises!
October 2023 Rank Testing Rescheduled The October 2023 Rank Testing will be rescheduled to Saturday, November 11th, 2023 to allow enough training time for students seeking to test. All Kyu ranks (both adults and kids) will be testing.
The Dojo's New Home The NYC Dojo has moved! Just three blocks from our old location, our new dojo now occupies two floors at 767 Lexington Avenue at the corner of 60th Street and Lexington Ave.
Mooncakes (Otsukimi お月見) at the Dojo The dojo celebrates Otsukimi (the Autumn Moon Festival and Moon Viewing) with mooncakes for students across all our classes.
Kachou Fuugetsu — Flower, Bird, Wind, Moon 花鳥風月 Nature is a fundamental part of our being as humans. Our connection to nature, can become frayed: we're greatly helped by improving that connection. Simultaneously, having a true and accurate picture of our reality increases the chances of meeting our goals and fulfilling our purpose in life.
Musubime o kaimei — Unravel the Knot 結び目を解明 Our lives are populated with tangled knots. Unraveling them means organizing our environment, as well as gaining an understanding of how the people and things in our lives fit together and are related to one another.
Ryu — Flowing Water 流 The imagery of flowing water has long been a central one in martial arts. It describes how the schools of martial arts preserve their identity and yet evolve; and it also prescribes for us an attitude of constant improvement and continually moving forward, despite obstacles in our lives.
Tohkon — Fighting Spirit 闘魂 Fighting spirit powers us through, over, under, and around the obstacles that we are sure to face as we pursue the objectives that support our goals. We practice our fighting spirit on the dojo floor so that we use it when we need it outside the dojo.
Kokoro — Strong Spirit 心 Our strong spirit is the mortar that holds together the bricks of our life. We develop skills and knowledge, and our strong spirit gives us the opportunity to craft an amazing self with them.
NYC Dojo Enhanced Saturday Schedule Resumes The Regular Saturday Class Schedule for all kids divisions and the Adult Division has resumed. In addition, a permanent sequence of special subject classes joins the schedule for Adults, and Teens gain two new opportunities to train on Saturdays as well.
Blackbelt Week Events 2023 Blackbelt Week 2023 starts September 23rd, featuring the end of blackbelt selection, the annual blackbelt dinner, a range of special events, and classes every day of the week.
Labor Day Holiday 2023 Goju Karate will be closed throughout the Labor Day weekend. Time to get ready for an exciting Autumn!
Let a Thousand Spirits Fly A thousand rank stripes have been awarded by the dojo, and a thousand uniforms have proudly displayed the Goju Karate chest and shoulder insignia. Our dojo now prepares to inspire the next generation of another thousand karateka.
Yama no chōjō ni wa ōku pasu — Many Paths Up the Mountain 山の頂上には多くパス There are many ways to achieve our goals; but as we go about climbing ever upwards, we have to be careful that the paths we follow are indeed our paths, and not someone else's path.
Gasshuku 2023 Gasshuku is the dojo's traditional summer break and occurs in August of every year. Most dojo around the world take this short break to prepare for the busy Autumn schedule.
August 2023 Rank Testing The August 2023 Rank Testing will be held on Saturday, August 12th. All Kyu ranks (both adults and kids) will be testing.
Ichi-go ichi-e — One Moment, One Meeting 一期一会 Each moment in our life is unique and precious. We must value and experience them with the attention and focus they deserve. And for those moments that bring us unhappiness and disappointment, we must learn to let them slip from our grasp.
Tuesdays in August The dojo will be closed on Tuesdays in August as we head into the slowest part of the Summer.
Mochi wa Mochiya — Rice Cakes from a Rice Cake Shop 餅は餅屋 As karateka, we have to understand that many of the challenges we encounter have been encountered by others before us, and we can benefit from that wisdom; and more importantly, the nature of things and people is fundamental to them, and we must work with that nature and in accordance with it.
Chajin no Monozuki — Curiosity of the Tea Masters 茶人の物好き Curiosity and the appreciation of all things in all depths is an important part of karatedō and the key to constantly improving ourselves and growing our knowledge of the people and world around us.
Usagi no Hirune — Rabbit Sleeping at Noon 兎の昼寝 We must spend our time and resources wisely; but we must also be very careful to exclude all the "noise" in our life and focus on the "signal" that actually moves us forward towards our goals and purpose.
Ichinichi Issho — One Day, One Lifetime 一日一生 Ichinichi Issho 一日一生 [pronounced “eee-chee-nee-chee eee-show”] means “one day, one lifetime” — and in this thought is the central idea underlying all success in life. The core of Ichinichi issho 一日一生 is this: each and every day is incredibly precious, and each single day is the building-block of our lifetime. The
Independence Day Holiday 2023 The dojo will be closed in celebration of the July 4th Independence Day holiday.
Gakusei Ni Ni — Be Like a Student 学生に似 Acting like a student is an integral part of our kartatedō. Actively gathering, processing, and studying the wisdom all around us makes us better karateka.
June 2023 Rank Testing The June 2023 Rank Testing will be held on Saturday, June 24th. All Kyu ranks (both adults and kids) will be testing; in addition, all karateka testing for Dan ranking will be participating in the first test of blackbelt selection, the written test.
Osu — To Endure (And More) 押忍 Possibly the most iconic expression and concept associated with martial arts, OSU epitomizes the idea of pushing forward, no matter what obstacles are in our way.
Yuuki — Courage 勇気 Courage isn't just for the "big things" -- we train courage on the dojo floor and use it throughout our day.
Wa — Harmony 和 Harmony is the basis of happiness and a good life — and a solid foundation for karatedō.
Kyokudo -- Intensity 極度 To act with intensity, and to live with intensity, is a fundamental aspect of karatedō.
Tuition: One Way You Support Your Dojo How Karatedō and martial arts has been funded through the centuries.
Gaden Insui — Pull Water to My Own Rice Paddy 我田引水 Our karatedō enables us to project our strong spirit to influence the world around us.
Akuin Akka — From the Egg of a Serpent, Comes a Serpent 悪因悪果 From an evil source, comes evil results -- we strive to remove negative influences in our lives.
Mokuhyō matsu utsu — Aim, Wait, Fire 目標待つ撃つ Anticipate and appreciate uncertainty, and have a much better chance of reaching you goals.
Tsuki no Kata Tsuki no Kata is a classic Goju Ryu kata. A complete guide to the kata is now available.
🔊 Listen Now: Kime -- Decisive [and More] 決め The shodo meditation lecture on Kime — Decisive [and More] 決め is now available for both the general public and Goju Students.
Kime – Decisive [and More] 決め Kime is the decisive strike in a fight: the strike that ends the fight. But it's also so much more.
The History of Karatedō: The Timeline The history of Karatedō is easier to understand with a Timeline.
📺 Watch Now: The History of Karatedo Seminar The full video presentation of the History of Karatedō, Part One, is now available.
Shoshin -- Beginner's Mind 初心 A beginner's mind, with the openness and modesty of a beginner, is a powerful state for the karateka.
Seminar-Related Class Schedule Changes The Karatedō History Seminar on Friday, March 24th, will affect a number of classes on Friday as well as on Saturday, March 25th.
Ganbaru — Steadfast Determination 頑張る Ganbaru is part of the triumvirate of concepts that describes determination and persistence in karatedō.
New Class: Saturday 12:30PM Adults The Saturday class schedule debuts a new rotating special-subject class for adults.
Ikioi — Momentum 勢い Momentum is an incredible force that can propel you forward inexorably. Seize and maintain momentum always.
Updates in Kihon and Kata Now available: newer versions of selected kata, the complete Adult syllabus series, and more.
Setsu do Motsu — Strong Like Bamboo 節度持 Being flexible is a superpower in a world of filled with the inflexible. Karatedō teaches mental strength through flexibility.
The History of Karatedō: The Seminar Make plans to attend a ground-breaking seminar on the history and origins of karatedō.
Advanced Brown Belt Review Class 1st Kyu Advanced Brown Belts will have a review class available to prepare for blackbelt selection.
Blackbelt Selection 2023 Blackbelt Testing is an annual event that lasts several months and culminates in Blackbelt Week in the Fall.
Presidents Day Holiday Week Goju Karate will celebrate Presidents Day and the Dojo Winter Break Classes Resume Monday, February 27th.
What's a Shinzen Katami 形見? Ever wonder what's inside the baskets on the Shinzen? Shinzen Katami are in one of them.
Kiri de uteki — Raindrops in Fog 霧で雨滴 We live in a world dense with the fog of information: our goal should be to pick out the raindrops of knowledge hidden in that fog.
New Class Schedules Available Want a printable PDF of the Class Schedule that includes the brand-new Tuesday lineup? It's available now, right here.
Ikann — Consistency 一貫 Ikann is consistency: the practice of continuing to work on goals until they are achieved. Without ikann, very little is achieved.
🔊Listen Now: Mokuteki -- Goals 目的 The shodo meditation lecture on Mokuteki — Goals 目的 is now available for both the general public and Goju Students.
Nen — Mindfulness 念 Nen is the fundamental power of the "now mind" sharpening focus and increasing mindfulness.
Mokuteki — Goals 目的 Goals are the lighthouses of our ambition, guiding our daily actions so that we move towards achieving our ultimate life purposes.
NYC Dojo Announces NEW Tuesday Schedule Tuesday classes arrive on the NYC Dojo schedule! A full range of kids classes and Jishu for adults.
Ikigai Shodo Lecture Video Now Available Missed the first shodo lecture in the Cycle of Four? The Goju Students section now has a live recording available for review.
Zen wa Isoge — Rushing is Good 善は急げ Time is the most precious thing we have and Zen wa Isoge reminds us that rushing to accomplish our goals and pursue our purpose is vitally important to a satisfying life.
Ikigai — Purpose for Living 生き甲斐 To have a purpose for living is the true measure of a satisfied and rich life; rather than striving for happiness, strive for purpose.
Cycle of Four: The January Meditations Every year, the dojo presents a unique cycle of four meditation+shodo lectures during the first four weeks of January.
The Meitoku Yagi Monument A monument to Meitoku Yagi is being completed on Okinawa and Goju students have an opportunity to contribute to its construction and maintenance.
2023 Dojo Calendar Announced The 2023 Dojo Events Calendar has been released, with dates for Rank Testing, Seminars, Tournaments, and other special events.
Kids Kumite Classes Start Youth Kumite Class and Teens Kumite Class formally joins the schedule for 2023 on Monday afternoons.
Koenkai 2023 Meeting The Koenkai 2023 Meeting will be held immediately following Kagami Biraki on Saturday, January 14, 2023.
Kagami Biraki 2023 The traditional dojo-wide group workout will be held on Saturday, January 14, 2023
Christmas and New Year's Holiday Schedule The dojo is excited to celebrate the Christmas and New Year's Holidays.
Goju — Hard/Soft 剛柔 The last shodo lecture of 2022 reprises one of the most fundamental concepts in karatedo: the duality of karate, life, and the universe.
Ren ma — Constant Polishing 錬磨 One of the fundamental goals of training in karatedo is to continually improve ourselves.
Tameshiwari Tournament 2022 Results The 2022 Edition of the Tameshiwari Tournament featured an incredible range of breaks.
Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule The dojo will be closed in celebration of the Thanksgiving Day holiday.
The Official 2022 Tournament Tshirt Every year, the dojo produces a limited edition tshirt design for the Tameshiwari Tournament.
Omomuku Heito — Close Doors, Go 赴く閉戸 Moving forward sometimes requires us to close doors to parts of our past.
Veteran's Day Holiday Schedule Goju Karate will observe the Veteran's Day Holiday on Friday, November 11th, and Monday, November 14th.
Women’s Self-Defense Seminar The Women’s Self Defense Seminar offers practical and real-world training for everyday women.
The 2022 Tameshiwari (Breaking) Tournament On the Eleventh Anniversary of the founding of Goju Karate, the 2022 Tameshiwari Tournament promises to be an exciting celebration.
Tameshiwari (Breaking) Seminar 2022 The annual Tameshiwari Seminar returns on Saturday, November 12, 2022.
Taikibansei — Great Talent, Evening Forming 大器晩成 It is never too late to reach for the aspirations that define our lives.
Tameshiwari (Breaking) Tournament Rules These are the official, generally accepted rules for Tameshiwari (Breaking) Tournaments conducted since 2014.
Neko ni Koban — Gold Coins to a Cat 猫 に 小判 Spending our resources wisely is one of the keys to a fulfilling life.
October 2022 Rank Testing Rank testing is generally held at the New York City dojo, and includes both written and physical tests.
Meikyō Shisui — Polished Mirror, Still Water 明鏡止水 Serenity is a mind that is mirror-like and reflects without being changed fundamentally.
Minu Ga Hana — Not Seeing is a Flower 見ぬが花 Reality can’t compete with our imagined expectations; on the other hand, our imagination can power a new reality.
Zenshin Hasu Pasu — Advance on the Oblique Path 前進斜パス Sometimes the correct path ahead is not the most direct one.
Shite Waki — Be the Main Character シテワキ We can be the main character on the stage of life, writing our own script and having a massive impact.
Dan and Kyu: How Ranking Works in Martial Arts Ranking in martial arts can be mysterious, but a few simple rules helps explain everything clearly and concisely.
Ryuutou Dabi — Dragon Head, Snake Tail 竜頭蛇尾 It is important to plan for "what comes next" once we achieve our goals.
Blackbelt Week Events 2022 Blackbelt Week 2022 starts September 19th, and offers classes every day of the week.
Sokutei Zoka — Measure Increase 測定増加 One of the surest methods to increase something is to measure it.
2PM Classes: In-Person and Livestream Students seeking an in-person early afternoon class now have three new options.
Shikantaza — Just Sitting 只管打坐 There are three major tools we have in meditation in karatedo. Shikantaza is one of those tools.
Kumo no aimai tsuki — Clouds Obscure the Moon 雲のあいまい月 Our perspective of what is important can sometimes be obscured by distractions and unimportant matters.
Sai-Ou No Uma — The Old Man and the Horse 塞翁之馬 Based on a famous parable from China and Japan, the changing nature of luck is illustrated.
Goju Karate Deploys Launchpad Dojo Community Software In a major upgrade to the dojo’s student systems, Goju Karate has deployed Launchpad’s new community software.
Dojo Tuition Increase As rising costs spread throughout the US economy, the dojo must also keep pace with inflation.
Evening Livestream Class and Monday 8/15 Class Changes An experimental evening livestream class will be presented.
The New GOJUKARATE.COM The new GOJUKARATE.COM unveils a range of new features including real-time schedules, video, book excerpts, and much more.
Karatedo Seminar 2022: Video Now Available The video and lecture notes from the ground-breaking Karatedo Seminar 2022 are now available.
Goju History: The Karatedo Shutdown Trailer In the spring of 2020, we needed a way to support our young karateka, many of whom were shut-in. So we made a video.
Junbi Undo Videos Released New videos on the Junbi Undo (stretching and flexibility training) are now available in the GOJUKARATE.COM students section
Ima Tane Ashita Hana — Today a Seed, Tomorrow a Flower 今種明日花 If indeed we "reap what we sow" then it is very important to choose what seeds we plant.
Blackbelt Week 2022 Blackbelt Week is a Goju Karate tradition that occurs in the early Autumn, and gives students of all ranks a chance to experience a week of extraordinary training opportunities.
August 2022 Rank Testing Rank testing is generally held at the New York City dojo, and includes both written and physical tests. The August rank test includes a special blackbelt portion.
Shin Gi Tai — Spirit over Technique, Technique over Strength 心技体 Ultimately, it is our strong spirit and well-executed technique that brings victory.
June 2022 Rank Testing Rank Testing occurs approximately every two months and offers karateka who have been invited to test an opportunity to advance in rank.
Nanakorobi Yaoki — Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight 七転八起 Nanakorobi Yaoki literally means “fall down seven times, get up eight times”, and is an expression of the deep and indomitable will of the karateka to continue persevering until success is at hand.
Kagami Biraki: Starting a New Year Kagami Biraki is the official start of the dojo year. Find out its fascinating history and unique place in karatedō.
Why Karatedō? Whether you're an experienced martial arts student or are thinking of pursuing your dream of becoming a karateka, you've come to the right place.
Adult Programs Goju Karate offers a full-range of adult classes that is especially welcoming to students who are new to martial arts – but also provides a strong range of challenging classes which will support even the most advanced blackbelt student.
Kids Classes Now, more than ever, kids need what karatedō delivers: training in focus, strong spirit, and the values of constant improvement and striving for worthwhile goals.
Competitors Interested in fulfilling an Olympic dream? Want to compete in karate tournaments in kata or kumite? Or are you interested in mixed martial arts competition? We have students committed to all those sports, and they train here, at Goju Karate.
Special Needs Karatedō Special students need special training, and Goju Karate is committed to providing that training, regardless of abilities.
Gasshuku - Reflection and Training Gasshuku is a traditional "summer break" that is a fixture of the standard dojo calendar around the globe.
Kau Kizu Tsubo — Buy the Scratched Pot 買う傷壷 Kau kizu tsubo 買う傷壷 was chosen as the Kagami Biraki message for 2017.
Tōdaishita no mottomo kurai — Darkest Under the Lighthouse 灯台下の最も暗い Self-reflection is a key to self-improvement but this can be challenging to achieve without the ability to observe ourselves clearly.
Itaidoshin — Different Bodies, Same Mind 異体同心 Itaidōshin 異体同心 was chosen as the Kagami Biraki message for 2020.
To Control (And Improve) Something, Measure It One of the fundamental concepts in karatedo is ren ma, “constant improvement.” We strive to continually become better in all aspects of ourselves. A key part of constantly improving that is often overlooked is the importance of measuring and metrics. A fundamental truth of life is this: if you measure
Why Free Fruit is Good Karatedō As all of our students know, there is always free fruit at the Front Desk of the dojo. So far it’s been apples and oranges, but we may get more exotic occasionally. The fruit is completely free – staff and instructors encourage students (adults and kids and visitors) to take
Why We Don't Wear Jewelry on the Dojo Floor The dojo floor is the great leveler that brings karateka from all walks of life onto a single stage.
Goju Karate is a Non-Profit Organization Goju Karate is a non-profit enterprise dedicated to supporting and bringing karatedō to everyone.