New Tuesday General Class Debuts

The dojo is adding a new Tuesday evening General Class for Adults at 6PM each week.

The dojo is adding a new class to the schedule: beginning Tuesday, January 28th, 2025, a new 6PM Adult General Class will debut.

This class replaces the previously-scheduled Advanced Junbi Undo Class that occupied this time-slot in 2024. However, fans of that class will find the same material covered in this new General Class as well.

This new General Class will offer:

  • Kihon (basics) and kata, as does every other General Class.
  • Advanced Functional Flexibility and Stretching (Junbi Undo)
  • Kumite for Beginners
  • Endurance Training (similar to the Wednesday 6PM Endurance Class)

Another unique aspect of the class is that it will be taught by senior blackbelts rather than Sensei.

On Tuesdays, the dojo opens at 5:30PM. Please consider adding this class to your training schedule!