LiveCast Karatedō Classes

Goju Karate's LiveCast broadcast of karatedō classes enables classes from anywhere on the planet where there is an Internet connection.

The dojo has offered LiveCast broadcast of karatedō classes and special events since 2020, and we're now very happy to introduce an easier way to access these classes.

The LiveCast menu option directly takes Goju Students to available broadcasts at any time. There is no longer any requirement to register in advance or enable LiveCast access – if you are a Goju karateka, you have access to any LiveCast class or event.

(If you previously had registered for LiveCast classes, there is no longer a need to wait for an "invite" before class – you will automatically enter the class you select.)

Software Requirements

To access any LiveCast class or event, you'll need the free Zoom app for your device or platform. Please visit Zoom's website to download the app – there is no cost to use the Zoom app or to access any LiveCast event or class.

Attending LiveCast Classes

LiveCast classes are just like classes you take at the dojo. However, please note a few important points:

  • You must be in full uniform including rank belt. The only exception to this is that, in the event you are on flooring that might pose safety issues, socks and/or socks and shoes may be worn.

  • While you are participating in a LiveCast class, you are expected to act in a disciplined manner, just as you do on the dojo floor itself. That means you are focused on training -- water bottles, checking phones, and anything else inappropriate when taking class on the dojo floor remains inappropriate to do while in a LiveCast class.

  • Everyone understands that you might not be able to control your environment during LiveCast classes. For instance, your dog may wonder on camera (get him a gi!) or your son might be curious and sit nearby and watch you (definintely get him a gi and have him start training!). Just try to keep distractions to a minimum, but if they occur, don't let that distrurb you. Everyone, including any instructors, are totally fine with that -- just keep your distractions to a minimum.

  • Remember that you are participating in class. Instructors will talk to you, possibly asking you questions, and may ask you to count, etc. The best way to handle your audio is to use Airpods or an equivalent wireless headset. If you are playing the class audio aloud via speakers, you may create feedback that's unwelcome. Please be cognizant of this and control your audio, and control background noise as well.

  • If you;re late for class, you can still train. Simply join class, make sure you offer a loud and distinct OSU, sit seiza, and wait for the instructor to acknowledge you. Remember that LiveCast classes are offered to enable you to train in karatedō. Everyone, including instructors, wants you to be in class. Try your best to be in class before it starts, but don't let being late stop you from joining class.

Attending LiveCast Events

LiveCast events are just like LiveCast classes. Basically, all the information above still applies. Generally, these are seminars, tournaments, special presentations, and special events like Kagami Biraki. Depending on where you are located, it may also include Rank Testing.

Keep in mind that all of these events are formal events. For Goju students, that means not only being in uniform, but also having appropriate gi patches. (For non-Goju karateka, wear your formal uniform as if you were in your home dojo at a formal event.)

More to Come

Goju Karate will continue investing in our LiveCast capabilities and we're committed to expanding the reach of our dojo floor. Already, students from around the world regularly train in our LiveCast classes: we want to expand the geographic reach of our classes, and we also want to expand the times, languages, and content of the classes and events we offer.

Over the past year, we've significantly upgraded our audio equipment and we now are able to broadcast audio with ceiling microphones suspended over the dojo floor, and tune the quality of our audio via mixing panels and equalizers. We'll continue upgrading our studio video equipment as well.

More importantly, our goal is to expand the number of both weekly LiveCast classes and the number of LiveCast special events that we produce.

Stay tuned for more exciting announcement in the coming months!