
Audio and Video lectures on key topics in the philosophy of Karatedō

There are more than a hundred concepts that underpin the philosophy of karate – karatedō

Every week, Sensei delivers a brief lecture on these concepts and beginning in 2023, the dojo is making these lectures available to karateka everywhere.

Editor's Note: Unlike other parts of the Goju Students section, this content is available to all website visitors.

Kime – Decisive [and More] 決め

Kime is an important and very atomic concept in karatedō, and focuses on the power and necessity of decisiveness.
(Read the lecture notes here.)

Mokuteki — Goals 目的

Mokuteki is the second lecture in the Cycle of Four, given every January.
(Read the lecture notes here.)

Ikigai — The Purpose for Existence 生き甲斐

Ikigai is the first lecture in the Cycle of Four, given every January.
(Read the lecture notes here.)