The next two Tuesday 6PM classes of Junbi Undo: Functional Flexibility will not be held. The class returns on April 16th at its regular time.
The Tuesday 6PM Junbi Undo: Functional Flexibility class will not be held on Tuesday, April 2, and Tuesday, April 9, 2024.
The class will return at its usual time of Tuesday, 6PM on April 16th, 2024.
For students who haven't tried this class yet, it has received much positive support by karateka attending. The class is focused on flexibility and helping students both improve and increase their functional flexibility as well as rehabilitate injuries and limitations in their flexibility.
The Junbi Undo
The Junbi Undo 準備運動 ("preparatory exercise") is the set of stretching exercises formulated by the founder of Goju Ryu, Chojun Miyagi. (For a timeline of the history of karatedō, read more here.) Since its introduction in the early twentieth century, the Junbi Undo has been adopted as the standard stretching and class preparatory exercise for almost every form of karatedō and many other martial arts as well.
To see two videos on the Junbi Undo 準備運動, visit the Videos Section.
However, the Junbi Undo is designed as a preparatory exercise: not as complete stretching and flexibility training. And that's what the new Tuesday class addresses.
Functional Flexibility
The Junbi Undo: Functional Flexibility class offers a greatly expanded version of the standard Junbi Undo, but also goes much further. Through a series of different exercises, students will focus on mobility development, joint strength, and body control.
In addition to improving existing flexibility, there will also be an emphasis on repairing flexibility-related injuries as well as working with flexibility limitations to improve overall performance.
Please visit the Class Schedule for a complete overview of the class schedule and current schedule updates.