Endurance classes get a new tool for measuring progress.
Beginning this month, Goju Karate will offer free use of Hykso Punch Trackers to students in Endurance Classes. These trackers are designed to accurately collect metrics on various strikes, and report them to a free app for iOS and Android devices.

“In order to improve, in order to constantly polish or ren ma it’s important to measure performance and outcome. Using these Hykso Trackers helps students record intensity, speed, and strikes thrown, and then strive to improve those over a range of classes,” noted Sensei.
“To measure a thing, is to control it, and then, to improve it. The Hykso Trackers are very supportive of that process for students that are seeking to improve their basic striking,” expanded Sensei.
How Hykso Trackers Work
Hykso Punch trackers are worn during class, inside the hand wraps (which are required in all Endurance Classes) and under the gloves. The trackers are quite small, impervious to sweat and vibration, and weigh very little: they are effectively invisible during class.

Prior to class, students will sync the trackers to their phones via Bluetooth, but then leave their phones in the locker room or in their equipment bags.
After the workout, the data from the trackers is automatically downloaded to their phones once the trackers come back within range.
Using the Trackers
The Hykso app is free and can be downloaded from either the iOS App Store or the Android Play Store . It is capable of recording all the statistics from a given class, and allowing comparisons over the course of weeks and months of classes.
In addition, the Hykso app can produce charts and tables of performance, and compute an “intensity” metric that combines a number of factors together.
Students can also sign-out the trackers for individual workouts during open-floor times; trackers may not always be available, depending on the number of students in class or the number of students training on the floor. They’ll be provided on a “first-in, first-out” basis.
Instructions and assistance on setting up and synchronizing the trackers is also available, especially for first time users. However, most students should be comfortable with syncing the trackers and wrapping them into their hand wraps after their first time using the Hykso trackers.
To sign-out a tracker, please see the Front Desk prior to any Endurance Class. And for more information about Hykso trackers, please visit Hykso.com