Fall Schedule Resumes

The Summer schedule ends this month as the Saturday 12:30PM Special Subjects Class returns.

As September begins ushering-in the cooler temperatures of Autumn, the dojo schedule returns to normal on Saturdays.

In 2024, the dojo Summer schedule remained constant with the exception of the Saturday 12:30PM Adult Special Subject Class (this class rotates among Kata, Kumite, Endurance, Meditation/Shodo, and Self-Defense weekly).

In support of Blackbelt Selection, several Saturday 12:30PM Adult Special Subject Classes will be pre-empted.


September 7, 2024: Special Review for Candidates in Selection (more info)

September 14, 2024: No 12:30PM Class

September 21, 2024: Regular Rotation: Kata Class

September 28, 2024
: Special Review for Candidates in Selection (more info)

October 5, 2024: Blackbelt Selection Final Testing (more info)

As a helpful reminder, you can get up-to-date schedule changes on Today@Goju in the Class Schedule section. And a full calendar of events is also available in the Dojo Calender section here.