Blackbelt Selection Reviews September 2024

1st Kyu Advanced Brown Belts who are currently testing for Shodan ranking as part of Blackbelt Selection will have two special review classes in September to prepare for blackbelt selection and the Final Grading on October 5th.

First Kyu Advanced Brown Belt adult students who are currently in Blackbelt Selection and existing blackbelts are invited to two special 1st Kyu Review classes to be held on Saturday, September 7th, 2024 and on Saturday, September 28th.

Both classes will be held at 12:30PM ET, and will be LiveCast as well.

The 45 minute special classes will review a wide range of material – they will specifically focus on kata and all varieties of kihon waza. In addition, part of the class will be devoted to kumite (participants in Blackbelt Selection are reminded to bring kumite gear and to have under-Gi protective gear already in place before taking the class to avoid delays participating in class segments).

This class is optional for some candidates in Selection, and is mandatory for others. Please see Sensei for more information, if necessary.

While the review class is specifically aimed at 1st Kyu students, any blackbelt that wishes to review material is also invited to participate and is also asked to come prepared to act as assistant instructors in the class.

The classes will be livecast, so any student eligible to attend this class that wishes to attend will also be able to attend remotely, including blackbelts.

Note that this class takes the place of the returning 12:30PM Saturday Class that features rotating special subjects. That class returns on September 21st, offering Adult Kata Class on that day, and then continues its regular rotation once Blackbelt Selection concludes on October 5th, 2024. The class will also continue to be LiveCast.