Blackbelt Selection 2023

Blackbelt Testing is an annual event that lasts several months and culminates in Blackbelt Week in the Fall.

The dates for Blackbelt Selection 2023 have been announced by Sensei.

Blackbelt Selection begins with invitations to candidates who are believed to be ready to test and to do so successfully. Keep in mind that anyone being considered has trained for years to be eligible for consideration for selection; even to be invited is a great milestone and marks those selected as being at the very top of the kyu (color belt) ranks.

Only adults (testing for shodan) or teens (testing for shonen shodan) who have a rank of 1st Kyu (advanced brown belt) are eligible for consideration, and holding that rank by no means automatically assures an invitation to selection and testing.

Blackbelt Week 2023

An exiting part of blackbelt selection is that it culminates in Blackbelt Week in the Fall.

As selection and testing draws closer, the dates and events for Blackbelt Week 2023 will also be announced. In general, however, those are expected to begin on September 20th and run to approximately September 27th, 2023.

Blackbelt Week offers classes and special events for all students, including current and new blackbelts. (Interested in seeing the events from last year? See the Blackbelt Week 2022 schedule.)

Blackbelt Selection 2023: Key Dates

May 10


Selection Begins: Invitations Issued

May 22


Final Acceptance of Selection Due

June 2

Meet with Sensei
Candidates Begin Wearing White Belts

June 24


Written Test: Testing Day 1 of 4

July 15


Kihon: Testing Day 2 of 4

August 26


Kata: Testing Day 3 of 4

September 23


闘魂 Tohkon: Testing Day 4 of 4