Blackbelt Week Events 2024 Blackbelt Week 2024 starts October 5th, featuring the end of blackbelt selection, the annual blackbelt dinner, a range of special events, and classes every day of the week.
Fall Schedule Resumes The Summer schedule ends this month as the Saturday 12:30PM Special Subjects Class returns.
Mooncakes (Otsukimi お月見) at the Dojo 2024 The dojo celebrates Otsukimi (the Autumn Moon Festival and Moon Viewing) with mooncakes for students across all our classes on Wednesday, September 18th, 2024.
Nakitsura ni hachi — Bee Bites the Crying Face 泣面に蜂 We sometimes bring bad outcomes on ourselves in two ways. Sometimes we expect that one bad outcome follows another. Other times, by dwelling on an initial bad outcome, we lose focus and our strong spirit, and thereby increase the chances of more negative outcomes.
Blackbelt Selection Reviews September 2024 1st Kyu Advanced Brown Belts who are currently testing for Shodan ranking as part of Blackbelt Selection will have two special review classes in September to prepare for blackbelt selection and the Final Grading on October 5th.