Tonbi ga taka o umu — A Kite Gives Birth to a Hawk 鳶 が 鷹を 産む If we can envision our destination, then we can map a path for getting there. So if we want to create a hawk, and we have a kite before us, a karateka simply needs a plan.
Special Event: Saturday 12:30PM ADULT Class Canceled This Saturday, October 28th ONLY: the 12:30PM Adults Special Subject Class is canceled due to ongoing critical construction. The class will return next Saturday.
Garyō Tensei — Paint the Dot of the Eye of the Dragon 画竜点睛 It is said that the "devil is in the details" — that may be so, but more importantly, it is the small final details that often make all the difference in delivering world-class performance.
Gi Patches Now Available Again Need uniform chest or shoulder patches for your gi? Official Goju Karate uniform patches are now back in stock.
Iru Fumei Teki — Hit the Hidden Target 射る不明的 It may sound counter-intuitive, but aiming for a hidden target or goal can bring us enormous benefits.