Yansu (Yantsu) Kata 安三: A History + More Yansu Kata is a tour-de-force in the study of balance. Yansu is an old and somewhat rare kata that has enjoyed a resurgence in interest.
Mokuteki — Goals 目的 [edition 2024] Goals are the lighthouses of our ambition, guiding our daily actions so that we move towards achieving our ultimate life purposes. Goals are the building blocks that we can use to build our purpose in life.
New Thursday Morning Class The dojo is adding a new Thursday morning class at 7:30AM each week. Now Goju karateka will have an option to train before work and the rest of the day begins.
Koi no takinobori — Carp Climbs the Waterfall 鯉の滝登り Growth is integral to success. Without growth, stagnation quickly sets in, and we slide backwards and regress. People, organizations, and even societies and cultures must continue growing, or risk losing their identity.
Ikigai — Purpose for Living 生き甲斐 [edition 2024] To have a purpose for living is the true measure of a satisfied and rich life; rather than striving for happiness, strive for purpose. If any one concept is the secret to happiness and success, this is it.