Independence Day Holiday 2024 The dojo will be closed in celebration of the July 4th Independence Day holiday beginning on Tuesday, July 2, 2024. Classes will resume on Monday, July 8, 2024.
Kizuna — Community 絆 Kizuna represents the community that is our dojo, and the bonds that we form and nurture with our fellow karateka. But it also represents the greater communities we inhabit outside the dojo.
Celebrating Soke Meitatsu Yagi's 80th Birthday Soke Meitatsu Yagi, the son of Meitoku Yagi, will celebrate his 80th birthday on July 7, 2024. In recognition of his work and the Yagi family's connection to Goju Karate and Sensei, a special matched set of shodo has been created to celebrate that milestone.
LiveCast Karatedō Classes Goju Karate's LiveCast broadcast of karatedō classes enables classes from anywhere on the planet where there is an Internet connection.
Hana Yori Dango — Dumplings over Flowers 花より団子 Substance over style, necessities over luxuries. Karatedō teaches us to deeply consider true value and to prefer it to empty cosmetics and shallow things and people. A karateka is a man or woman of substance, as well as style — but substance first.