Wabisabi — The Beauty of Transience and Imperfection 侘び寂び Beauty is an important concept in karatedō that is often overlooked. Wabisabi helps to synthesize the key components of beauty.
August 2024 Rank Testing The August 2024 Rank Testing will be held on Saturday, August 10th. All Kyu ranks (adults only) will be testing.
Yugēn — A Profound, Mysterious Sense of Beauty 幽玄 As part of the concept of beauty, a profound sense of the mysterious and the deep emotional impact of beauty upon our mind and spirit is very important.
Sabi — The Beauty of Experience 寂 Sabi is the beauty inherent in the people, things, and places around you. This is a beauty of experience, based on the history and development of skills that is part of those people, things, and places.
Pinan Three: Step-by-Step Enbusen A step-by-step written guide to the enbusen of Pinan Three is now available to Goju Karate students.